Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Okay i have a question about traveling to japan from america

Okay i have a question about traveling to japan from america?
my school is going to japan next yearv for spring break and its would cost around 3,000 dollars is that a good price for a week in japan? it covers travel housing and food
Japan - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because that includes travel (airfare), housing, and's not a bad amount. If you want to go, you should definitely try to save up and go.
2 :
make sure yew save up to buy stuff to, just going there for site is fun , but remember to bring bak sumthin, 3000 just covers what yew said, but be sure to save up for other things, you dun wanna get caught with nu money when yew want sumthing.
3 :
It is a pretty good price for such a trip when it includes return flight, accommodation and food, but it seems to me that the school could do even better with a group rate, depending on what accommodation and food they choose.
4 :
If the 3000 includes flights, it would be good.
5 :
It depends on the quality of the detailed content.
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