Monday, March 8, 2010

American schools in Japan

American schools in Japan?
Are there any American Schools in Japan that are not private? I can not afford a international school which by the way is wayyy to expensive so i am looking for an american school. PLEASE HELP!!
Japan - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your best bet is try schools set on US Military bases.
2 :
Why should there be American school? This is Japan. US military base has some. But they are only for children of military personnels. What you say does not make sense at all.
3 :
I can teach you some nasty stuff for free!
4 :
Uh here's this one that I looked up a few years back. I was planning on going but I didn't have the money. I think it costs as much as studying abroad to an international school. I hope this helped.
5 :
No, all the international schools are private and the only American school around Tokyo, which is not public, is the most expensive one (ASIJ, American School In Japan). You can't go to school on the military base because you aren't family of the military. I have heard that there are some Japanese kids who do to go school on the base, but they have to pay a lot as well.
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