Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Navy -- Getting married after 'A' school and fiance wants to move to Japan will I be able to go with him

Navy -- Getting married after 'A' school and fiance wants to move to Japan will I be able to go with him???
My fiance is in bootcamp right now for the Navy. and he will be going to A school right after. He is a Machinist Mate (MM). He wants to pick Japan for his first choice. We are planning to get married after he gets out of A school during the time he gets off before he goes to the next duty station (14-21 days). Assuming that he gets stationed in Japan and we get married during his vacation time... will I be able to move there with him?? Or since we are getting married after he is done with A school, will the papers not show our marriage yet???
Marriage & Divorce - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I wouldn't plan on it. Most likely you two will end up stationed in the gulf somewhere.
2 :
Perhaps this question is better to ask the U.S. Navy Dept.
3 :
Being former Air Force (and married during tech school), I can tell you this much: If he already has orders that have him set as single, then by getting married while he is on leave and in between duty stations could change his orders for the PCS (permament change of station). If his orders state that he is single (which he would be at the time of issue) then only he would be allowed, and paid, to travel to Japan under the military's dime. If you were to get married and turn in your paperwork as soon as possible (next business day), he would still be required to PCS to his new station. You would not be able to travel with him (unless you paid for the move yourself). You would have to wait for orders to be cut for you so that the military can pay for your moving expenses. Then again, you could risk him losing his orders for Japan all together. They may be orders that are set aside strictly for someone who is single and there are no accomodations for a family. Or like in the Air Force, it could be an unacompanied tour where he can't bring his family at all, so you would be stuck alone anyways. There are many factors when it comes to getting orders and you can never tell what will happen. When I got married in tech school, to another student, he had just recieved his PCS orders (for Japan actually). We filed for a joint spouse assignment as soon as we had gotten married. Several weeks later, we both recieved our a base stateside. So, you never can tell what the military has planned. Good luck.
4 :
it all depends on his time he will be there and the assignment. sometimes they do only sent them alone and un accompanied. He really needs to ask the navy.
5 :
Don't plan on Japan...very RARELY do first timers out get their first choice...He will be lucky to get his last choice...and it will depend on whether his assignment is accompanied or not as to whether you will be able to will have nothing to do with the marriage papers.
6 :
April, if your worried whether you can go with your boyfriend to Japan, no need because you will become his dependant, the two of you will get married before he goes overseas, it might not shows on his orders but if he file your marriage to him,the navy will arrange all the necessary papers and you my dear will be joining him. Just tell him that as soon or before the two of you get married go to disbursing office of the navy and put getting married or just got married and from there, you will become his dependant. The navy will give him more pay,cause if your with him in Japan the two of you will live on government housing and yes there's this military ID. Don't waste no time for this,call your boyfriend so he can start the necessary papers before the two of you get married..........hope this help, ( I was a navy wife too)
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