Tuesday, February 24, 2009

school debate how many days of school shoud are kids have

school debate how many days of school shoud are kids have?
in normal american schools kids have 5 days a week of school.but in japan,china and many other countires have 7.our are kids getting anough education?studies have shone that kids that go to school 7 days a week are smarter than kids who dont.but other studies have shone that kids who have school 5 days a week have a social life such as friends boyfriends/girlfriends exc.please consider the following before you answer.please answer with saying 5 days/7days if u want a reason. you guys this is a debate!not answering and have a que...i dont have bad spelling i was trying to type fast
Other - Education - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
till they learn.
2 :
180, 5/days
3 :
My personal opinion is there should be a compromise between those two extremes. Schooling 5 days a week from 8am to 5pm year-round with breaks for major holidays would be an acceptable compromise and allow our children more instructional time in the classroom without depriving them of much needed social skills.
4 :
324 point 6453 days out of the year.
5 :
How about 6 days a week, from 8am to 5pm. This way kids get more education and parents don't have to have daycares/afterschools/babysitters. Kids have social lives at school; afterschool can be for family and jobs.
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