Friday, October 16, 2009

question about japan? for a school project

question about japan? for a school project?!?!?
okay for geography i have to make a fast food restaurant in japan... i was wondering if you could help me out on what kind or drinks should i have? and if i was selling rice sushi soup vegetables fish &tea how much would they cost in yen?? also what are some good ways to advertise my restaurant? thanks!! =]
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
First check out the big mac index: It will tell you how things are valued vs america. It seems that vs the american average japan is about 10% cheaper than the US. 1 dollar is = to 93.65 Yen. So take a local sushi place find out their prices and multiply it by .9 to get what it should cost in japan based on big mac index then multiply it by 93.65 to convert it to yen. That should be your cost for everything. As far as drinks soft drinks green tea oolong and both hot and cold saki is probably what you would want. Good luck
2 :
There is something called the Big Mac Index that gives a rough measure of the "purchasing power parity" of different currencies. Look up the price of a Big Mac in Japan and use the current yen-dollar conversion rate. The Japanese yen is usually somewhat UNDERvalued ( so they keep their exporting advantage ) but this will give you the answer you seek better than your teacher is likely to know.
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