I am a recent college graduate looking to work for a year teaching English in Japan to pay for school and possibly grad school. What are the best programs and how much can I expect to make?
Teaching - 5 Answers
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1 :
Many foreign residents from English speaking countries now work in Japan, most as language instructors. The demand for native language instructors remains high, with a lot of major language schools now operating recruitment offices overseas. It is quite easy to find work teaching in Japan as there are many eikaiwa (conversation schools). The most famous being Nova, GEOS and AEON. I recommend teaching in Elementary or JHS with an ALT company as this is the most rewarding. The best site to look for employment in Japan is Gaijinpot. How much you can make depends on the type of job you take and the employer.
2 :
hey, Try this company : http://EduFinder.info They offer the largest database of universities and colleges. Hope that will help you
3 :
You can either go through a program or - for a slightly better salary - find your own job there by applying to those advertised online or contacting the schools directly. Your salary will be enough to live on reasonably well (accommodation, food, going out a bit).
4 :
i heard the same thing. im going to japan to be an english teacher in the future. teaching something you already know is fun and getting paid a lot is even better!
5 :
To be honest teaching English is all foriegners can do. It is low paying and everybody is doing it so you will face stiff competition. I.T is where everything is at
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